Atonement. (This will not be a religious discussion.)

A few months ago I had a conversation with a friend and he was talking about relationships that had not gone well and that even many years later (and after much growth and maturing), he felt bad about these situations.  We had a deep conversation that felt enlightening to him (in terms of opening his […]

Why John Legend has written the perfect love song.

“All of Me” by recording artist John Legend was released on August 12, 2013.  I first heard the song on the radio early in the year 2014, it was a remix by Tiesto released in January of the same year.  It made me cry, it was so beautiful.  The piano’s melody is simple, yet dynamic and the […]

The DNA of your relationship.

Think about what DNA looks like.  It is 2 long strands with links between them (like rungs on a ladder) and they twist around each other (like a beautiful dance).  Each singular strand is called RNA, or sometimes called a backbone (interesting!), which has different molecules on it.  These 2 strands come together, join in […]

“Thank you for acknowledging my existence.”

When I was going to college I used to park in the same place and walk the same directions to and from class every day.  I went to a school in downtown Seattle.  There were lots of homeless people everywhere.  I’ve always battled between giving money or food, whether it’s a good thing or not.  […]

Food & Emotions

Food is a drug. We use food to serve many purposes throughout our lives.  We can abuse food if we are not careful.  Many years ago the Universe gave me this information and it has been quite useful as I experience emotional things in life.  I feel it’s very important that everyone knows this as well and […]