The DNA of your relationship.

Think about what DNA looks like.  It is 2 long strands with links between them (like rungs on a ladder) and they twist around each other (like a beautiful dance).  Each singular strand is called RNA, or sometimes called a backbone (interesting!), which has different molecules on it.  These 2 strands come together, join in the middle and this “encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms.”  I’m not a geneticist, just wanted to give you some imagery and metaphor that came to me in an epiphany.

Now, think about cuddling with your partner.  Spooning.  Intertwining your bodies.  Interlacing your fingers while holding hands.  Your bodies create the intertwining pattern of DNA.  It’s beautiful imagery!

Alone you are the RNA.  You are the single-strand / backbone on one half of the DNA.  We are all individuals before we come together in the union of a relationship, and we are still individual people within that new bond.  Each RNA strand has it’s own molecules that it brings to the party.  We each have different life experiences, knowledge, skills, perspective and goals that we bring to share in this union.

Two strands come together to create life.  DNA holds all the blueprints for the life of that new creation.  The love you develop between you and experiences shared together are the bonding and creation of your relationship, and the new life you’ve created together as one unit — a couple.

As we engage in a relationship with someone, we will naturally be growing and changing on a personal level.  We are still individual people even if that relationship ends for any reason.  This new creation of a relationship is a separate energetic thing beyond each person.  It does have etheric mass, and that is why we can still feel it long after a relationship ends.  (Now creating life as in making a baby does take the metaphor into the material realm, but I’m not going there right now.)

Just like each person is unique, the links you create together will be unique, therefore each relationship will be unique.  We would be wise to approach each new relationship with a fresh perspective in order to create the best bond possible, instead of bringing in unresolved baggage from a relationship with someone else; it just doesn’t belong.

Your emotional bond and spending quality time together holds the key to your relationship.  When together with your partner are you happy, loving, getting to know one another, strengthening your bond?  Not spending time together at all, or not in a loving way will break down your relationship’s DNA.

Healthy DNA makes a health physical body structure.  Your relationship needs a healthy, solid, safe structure too.  So take care of the DNA of your relationship and make sure you are intertwining your bodies and strengthening emotional bonds on a regular basis.

Spend time forming DNA with your partner.  Cuddle.  Spoon.  Make love.  Hold hands and interlace your fingers.  Combine the DNA of your physical bodies in this way.  Form that two strand link.  And don’t forget emotional bonds.  Talk.  Make plans.  Go on a date.  Go find a new hobby together.  Etc…

Bliss and Abundance!!!

Hope Grace Roe 🙂


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