
Can’t focus.  Scattered thoughts.  Wandering mind.  Jumpy, random words… and entire conversations.  Easily distracted.  Can’t sleep.

You might even get headaches because of all the noise going on in your mind.  It’s not audible outside you (to anyone else), but the energy is real, it’s there and it’s so strong that inside your mind it’s loud and it’s just… noise.  And no, you’re not crazy, we have all experienced this.

Unprocessed energy (1, 2) swirling around in your mind and/or held within Body will cause this.  This energy is calling for your attention to be taken care of.  It needs to be calmed and cleared.  It’s energy that requires action and effort.  This energy is stuck within you because karma has been created and something has not been taken care of or processed; possibly the issue has not been addressed at all or perhaps just not thoroughly enough (3).

Take note if you are experiencing this in your actual head/brain/mind region of your physical body, or if you have associated physical body pain which usually shows up as tensed muscles, pinched nerves, twitches, etc.

Slow down.  Spend some time (4) being physically still with a quiet mind (5).  Allow the mind-chatter to fade, without demonizing it or banishing it.  Let’s be kind to ourselves — you don’t have to hate yourself, or other people, or situations because you are experiencing some discomfort in some form or another; remember the mind-noise is the trying to get your attention (…and that it’s in your mind, therefore under your control from start to finish).  Be aware of where it is drawing your attention and then open yourself to hear that energy without creating more of your own thoughts about it.  Ask it a question to gain clarity, without telling yourself what the answer is, allow it to come from the energy you are focusing on.  Quieting your own mind-chatter will give you greater capacity to know what is going on and address it appropriately.  This is something we could all be more diligent about, and it’s really the key!

Cleansing Body might be necessary.  Allow Body to process any food or drugs you have put in it before adding more.  Sometimes we are just overwhelming ourselves with substances (including just food) and this adds to the energy our bodies need to process.  Make sure your digestion is working well.  Body also needs to move (6).  The human body is meant to be active, and our modern way of living has us stagnant too much of the time.  This will also help in processing energy and substances (metabolism = processing).  Not moving our bodies enough allows this energy to sit and fester, leading to more mind-noise and more physical discomfort.  Energy will begin to solidify and get stuck in your body the longer it’s there, and then it’ll require more time to process it once it’s taken on physical attributes after just being pure energy (7).

When karma is finally taken care of the little nagging energy that has been trying to get you to pay attention and take necessary action will stop.  This energy is processed and cleared out, and thus won’t be nagging at you anymore.  Hoorah!  Most of the time we are meant to learn life lessons through these experiences.  The key here is to be humble enough to accept the lessons and grow from them.  Which means incorporating the new, improved, mature, wise behavior and ways of thinking into our character – which means changing who we are and how we are.

Karma will hold you in place until you process and learn and improve.  Once karmic energy is cleared we have opened up space in our energetic sphere for new things to come in.  We have opened up a free flow of energy.  We are open to receive, because we have appropriately let go.  The energy of our Soul is able to move forward, without blockages or stagnation, no more (or less and less as we go…) static in the mind, no more noise, no more fog.  Body also experiences the same free flow of Prana and blood and other fluids, necessary for life.  No blockages, stagnation, tensed or twitching muscles.  We feel relaxed and calm.  And we face life’s challenges much better than before when they do come.

We are just human beings.  We would be wise to be kind enough to remember we are finite while in this physical life experience, therefore we can only handle so much at once.  That’s why some things take so long and why our “learning process” can take so long.  Let us be patient with ourselves and those around us.  May we all process, learn and gain more clarity and less noise!

Bliss and Abundance!!!

Hope Grace Roe  🙂

wandering mind

** I wanted to keep this simple for ease of explanation and general comprehension.  I’ve made a few footnotes for further clarity and breadth in topic.  Read through above to get the concept and then review the footnotes for a bit of expansion if desired.

  1. This includes being overwhelmed emotionally with current life situations, feelings and thoughts; as well as being overwhelmed and overloaded with physical life tasks that actually require your time, physical effort and complete attention.
  2. We could take a perspective that this energy is negative energy, but all things are just energy; we choose the labels we apply to it “positive” or “negative”.  And we choose to feel those feelings associated with that idea.  If it’s “negative” and stuck within you, then you are opening yourself up for emotional or physical pain.  If you choose a perspective of positivity or just neutrality then you might be able to process it quicker.  (It is possible to become overwhelmed with positive energy (positive thoughts or emotions), but this generally does not create mind-noise in a distracting way, unless the energy is of a fantasy / reality type nature and then it could create more of a “mind-fog” which is also distracting.  But I’ll address reality-vs-fantasy another time.)
  3. Sometimes we think we have done enough and don’t understand why a thing persists.  However, when we look deeper into the issue (requiring more effort on our part — sometimes we just half-ass things, especially if our ego feels like it needs to be protected or if it’s emotionally painful) we will usually find there is actually more we need to do.  When it comes to satisfying another person… that could go into another topic completely… more on that another time….  Regardless, if you are experiencing “mind-noise” around the situation, this is an indication that your part of the equation is not quite complete.  Remember it’s in your energy field and thus it’s your karma.
  4. Schedule some alone, quiet time just for yourself, even if that is “going to bed early” just to lay there in the dark, quiet room and before falling asleep, taking inventory and getting in touch with what is really going on.  If you think your life is too busy and you don’t have time for yourself:  1- look at that.  2- you could also do this in the few minutes in the morning before getting up for the day.  Or this can also be done if you wake up in the middle of the night and have a few minutes just for yourself, while the world is quiet and you know it will stay that way for a while.  If you do tend to wake up in the middle of the night, learn to use the time wisely and to your advantage, instead of to fret over things.
  5. It’s simple meditating and re-centering yourself.  My favorite time for this is actually at night or in the morning when I’m still in bed, because I know Body doesn’t have to do anything at all, and it’s easier to actually allow it to remain perfectly still and calm, allowing more of my focus to go to the energy calling out for my attention.  But of course it can be done anywhere and any time.  I’ve done it lots on the subway to and from anywhere, and even in the loud and packed conditions, I’ve had some good experiences.
  6. Additionally, if you feel antsy and jittery this is a definite call to get you up and moving.  Exercise in whatever form you enjoy doing is very important!!  If Body feels this way, it may also be in indicator that there is physical action you need to take as part of processing and clearing this karma energy.  Listen carefully and you will be guided.
  7. Now, this energy can gather mass and physical attributes in many different ways.  Here is just a personal note from my own experiences:  I wasn’t consciously trying to lose weight, but it just started melting away – excess body fat that I didn’t even know I had to lose.  Then my skin started to clear up as the stress in my life was being taken care of — the “stress” just wasn’t there anymore, so neither was the acne.  Only then, as I proceeded on this process path (which for me has been years and years… and of course it continues), did my outer / physical world begin to change in much happier and healthier ways, and mostly with very little effort on my part to “make” things happen – because it was being generated from within me and very naturally radiated out.
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