Truth: We are Soul, first and foremost. We, as Soul, existed before we began this current physical experience and we will continue to exist, as Soul, after we end this current physical experience. Analogy: You, (the way you know yourself now) as a house (shelter & protection, dwelling place), or a car (vehicle for motion) […]
Full Moon – June 2014
Full Moon – June 2014 PDT – Los Angeles, CA: Thursday (Jupiter day) June 12, 9:11pm EDT – NYC: Friday (Venus day) June 13, 12:11am Sun: 22’06 Gemini / Moon: 22’06 Sagittarius Should be a beautiful evening event here in LA. Jupiter’s energy still present as the day comes to a close. And the weekend so […]
Full Moon. Yeah, it’s pretty. So what?!
Full Moon. What is it and why is it important? The Sun is the source for energy in our world, and in our lives. It is a celestial body that affects us daily. The Sun brings warmth. The Sun offers us light to see. The Sun feeds plants which grow for us to eat, and […]
Daily Mantra
Many years ago I was going through some very difficult things and I would catch myself forgetting some of the below. I needed to improve and find a way to keep going day by day despite my immense emotional pain and confusion. And to find a way through all my pain to keep myself level enough […]
Unconditional Love – yes, it is a thing
A good friend was going through a difficult situation with her husband. She had begun to wonder if there really is such a thing as “unconditional love” or was it just a fantasy she had been sold. My dear friend, yes, there is. But I’m afraid it may be a little different from what you […]
untitled – about dating and life
I’d like to speak about a website I’ve heard of (will never visit) where you can post about your ex and why he was so bad. You can rate him and other ladies can view it and decide to go out with him or not, or add their own rant. I don’t like this, and […]
absolutes & stability
We like solid, clear, black & white absolutes in life. They make us feel comfortable. We feel like we have stability and something to rely on. It’s nice to feel comfortable, sure… but sometime we allow these absolutes and comforts to rule our lives, setting boundaries and limits and labels and this can close our world to […]
We grow towards what gives us life
Spring time in LA. I watched this little plant grow and grow. I was fascinated to see it bend to reach farther and farther away from it’s roots to get a glimpse of the sun. But it makes perfect sense, it only lives because of sunlight, so naturally it needs to grow towards it. We too grow […]
Food & Emotions
Food is a drug. We use food to serve many purposes throughout our lives. We can abuse food if we are not careful. Many years ago the Universe gave me this information and it has been quite useful as I experience emotional things in life. I feel it’s very important that everyone knows this as well and […]
All Things Are Energy
All things are energy. You are energy on many different levels. Your body, your mind, your soul are all just energy but just different vibrations and frequencies. Everything around you is also energy, you may feel/sense/know it or you may not. Since all things are energy, we are effected by our surroundings and we can […]