Why John Legend has written the perfect love song.

“All of Me” by recording artist John Legend was released on August 12, 2013.  I first heard the song on the radio early in the year 2014, it was a remix by Tiesto released in January of the same year.  It made me cry, it was so beautiful.  The piano’s melody is simple, yet dynamic and the lyrics are a heart-felt homage to John Legend’s love, his wife Christine Teigen.

What makes the song so perfect (in a nut-shell) is that he has hit every aspect of the reality of life and relationships.  He is honest and clear about the way he describes everything.  The song does not leave you wondering, but encourages feeling right along with him.

He doesn’t sugarcoat the truth about the differences between men and women when he says, “What’s going on in that beautiful mind, I’m on your magical, mystery ride.”  Many men comment that they don’t understand the mind of a woman, but in the song it’s clear he does not worry about it and willing to go along for the ride because he loves her and he knows he “will be fine.”  Sometimes life does not give us clear-cut answers, but if we are patient and not resistant to go with the flow, we end up where we need to be and with the circumstances that are best for us.

He is encouraging when he says, “Even when you’re crying you’re beautiful too” and supportive with “The world is beating you down, I’m around through every mood.”  Often life throws us curveballs that can knock us over; don’t we want to know that we have a partner that is calm, patient and understanding.  I do, and I do my best to be that in return; it’s an important part of being with a partner or even a friend.  We all need someone to listen, uplift and give hugs when we need it; and yes, men need all of those things too.

Don’t you want to know that your partner won’t jump to conclusions or just give up on you if you are a little grumpy?  Wouldn’t you recognize the blessing of a partner who instead of getting angry and defensive will say, “It seems like you’ve had a bad day.  I’m here for you.  Let’s talk.”  Often we just need a stable, calm influence and to know the love of our partner is steady and unconditional (not giving up on each other, but willing to work things out).  We all get “moody” sometimes.  We all need someone who can be our anchor and voice of reason and helping hand to see us through a tough time.  And we need to be the same in return when it’s our partner’s turn being “moody”.  (Now, I’m not condoning immature emotional outbursts, but just simply that life can get difficult sometimes and we all need support during these times.)

Demonstrating how madly in love he is with her he says, “You’re my downfall, you’re my muse.  My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues.  I can’t stop singing, it’s ringing, in my head for you.”  Deep and abiding love is the foundation of a strong relationship.  He expresses how much she is on his mind and how she inspires him.  Support is necessary, but the happy and loving times should be a basis for being together.  We need to enjoy talking and laughing and making love with our partner.  May we all find a partner who inspires us to become our best self and pursue our dreams and who shows us new, wonderful things we just wouldn’t know without them.  We all have love within us and expressing it through word, song, emotion and…. Action! is essential.  May we keep the flames of love burning brightly in our relationships, throughout our lives!!

He says, “You’re crazy, and I’m out of my mind.”  I don’t know exactly what he is implying with this, perhaps it could be an inside joke.  Regardless, sometimes things don’t seem to make sense, but they just feel right. Sometimes outside people will look at your partner and ask why you are together.  Sometimes two people meet and fall in love so fast it seems crazy.  Love doesn’t always make sense.  That’s the reality of life.  If you have a partner that you connect with and you both love each other, don’t worry about what the outside world says — it’s about the two of you.  Be good to each other and you will be happy, and a happy world will surround you and your love.

In the chorus he says, “All of me, loves all of you.”  Boldly stating that he is completely invested in her and their relationship.  He is not holding anything back.  When we hold back with love, affection, time, communication, general information, etc., then problems arise.  Being fully invested in the relationship will keep it strong.

“Love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections.”  This might be one of my favorite lines of all time.  Indicating that he accepts and loves every part of her, without judgment.  We are all human beings and we all have aspects of life that we need to work on.  Several years ago a dear friend was just getting to know (and falling in love with) her now-husband.  She was nervous about her “flaws”.  Their relationship happened very fast and they were talking of marriage.  She was nervous that after some time when he gets to know all of her “flaws” that he wouldn’t like her anymore.  He said something so beautiful I’ll never forget it, “Nobody is perfect.  What you call your “flaws”, I see as little unique things that make you, you.  I love you and so I love these things about you too.”  John Legend’s wording is just about the same.  Wouldn’t we all want a partner who loves us just the way we are!?  Additionally, I’ve seen some of the most perfect couples have differences where their partner actually makes up in an area where the other lacks.  Not to be cheesy, but quoting Jerry McGuire & Dr. Evil, “You complete me.” is really a beautiful idea.

“Give your all to me, I’ll give my all to you.  You’re my end and my beginning.  Even when I lose, I’m winning.”  Another beautiful statement of being fully present for your partner.  Not holding back and asking for the same in return.  He acknowledges that their love and relationship is an end of one thing and beginning of something new and he is willing to be there through the adventure.  He acknowledges that sometimes he might not get his way, but that through giving to her he is still “winning”.  Sometimes we have to pick our battles, or give-in to a partner.  Opposites attract they say, so sometimes we might have a difference of opinion; but making sacrifices for your partner will always be a part of being in a relationship.  It’s about being a “partner”, which means sharing and working together.  Aren’t you happy to see someone that you love happy!?  Aren’t you happy being with your partner, and just watching them enjoy something!?  Allowing them to have or do something that makes them happy even if it’s not your thing, can still be “winning”.  Just for clarity, being selfish with your wishes is not being a ”partner” and expecting the other person to “win” through giving-in to our demands might not be healthy.  We need to maintain balance and still work together even if we are taking turns with what we want.  Selfishness is not being a partner — it’s not loving; it will only break things down.  Additionally, let us remember to express our gratitude and to return the favor.

“Cards on the table, we’re both showing hearts.  Risking it all, though it’s hard.”  Cards on the table is a metaphor commonly used to say that everything you have, everything about you is out in the open, saying that you are not hiding anything from your partner.  Again, he opens his heart to a vulnerable position and “risking” his emotions in hopes for a reciprocal sentiment.  To his joy her cards are “hearts” as well.  Risking your heart for love can be “hard”, but it’s necessary.  Showing your partner a tender, vulnerable side demonstrates you are serious, ready and willing to do what it takes to be together.  Relationships will always require compromise and communication.  Being a good partner really is a skill.  Being able to communicate your feelings is also a real skill.  It would behoove us all to acknowledge that these things are not always innate, but are actual learned skills and need constant practice; and we all need to work to improve these skills for all our interpersonal relationships.

I love hearing the song and could just put it on repeat and listen over and over again.  Sometimes a song is so well-liked that people play it nonstop for long periods of time, which becomes annoying to others.  Some people out there may feel this way about this song by now.  However, this song will live on in it’s perfection for ages to come!  When it’s heard again after some distance it will ring true in the heart just as it did the first time.

** A note to Mr. Legend,
I appreciate your work.  Described here are the things that seem to me like you might have meant, as well as what I felt within my heart while listening to your beautiful song.  I am happy to receive correction if I have made assumptions you had not intended.  I mean only to offer praise.  Thank you!

** A note to Mr. Tiesto,
I thank you for your remix, which was the first version of the song I heard and possibly could be the avenue many others have become familiar with this song as well.  I here offer praise for your work as well.  Thank you!

Bliss and Abundance!!!
Hope Grace Roe 🙂

john legend

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