Full Moon – January 2018 (1st of 2)

Full Moon – January 2018 (1st of 2)

PST – Los Angeles, CA:  Monday (Moon day) January 01, 6:24pm

EST – NYC, NY:  Monday (Moon day) January 01, 9:24pm

Sun:  11’38 Capricorn  /  Moon:  11’38 Cancer

We begin 2018 with a Full Moon right away.  This energy will be present while we ring in the new year too.  A Full Moon is always an opposition between the Sun & Moon, so energy and especially emotions are heightened.  This particular event is packed full of energy!  And adding on the New Year, only makes it more powerful.

Surrounding the event a few days before and after we might have ideas, conversations or situations regarding the following:

Father  vs  Mother

Hierarchy / Authority  vs  Unity / Bonding

Discipline  vs  Nurturing

Public-life  vs  Private-life

Career  vs  Home

Grounding / Stable energy  vs  Flowing energy

Structural  vs  Conceptual

Logical  vs  Emotional

Pragmatic  vs  Sentimental

Masculine / Yang  vs  Feminine / Yin


full moon - jan 2018 -1

The Sun is in grounded Capricorn and ready to build, while the Moon is in nurturing and sentimental Cancer.  The world has been turned upside-down in the last few years, and we might all agree 2017 has been a doozy.  We definitely need some grounding energy and encouragement to rebuild the world we live in.  The Sun is in a wide conjunction to powerful Pluto with a 7 degree orb, which will magnify his raw power which has been digging up our structures and foundations since he first entered Capricorn in 2008 (which has been uncomfortable but necessary, as well as positive in the long-run).  On the other side of the Sun we have Venus with a 2 degree orb and Saturn with a 10 degree orb.  Venus brings in a feminine energy and Saturn is right at home in the sign that he rules, bringing in a seriousness and focus on all things “rebuilding”!  Venus being between Pluto & Saturn will help to soften the energy between these big boys, who each have their own massive power over, and being outer planets, their influence lasts for generations.  The Moon opposes this wide stellium and brings in her soft, sentimental, feminine energy.

We have a nice Kite formation with this opposition creating the spine, while the Moon forms a Grand Trine with Neptune at home in Pisces and with Mars in Scorpio.  Jupiter is at a wide conjunction with a 3 degree orb to Mars, but with the Trine, this brings in his energy as well.  Mars and Jupiter being masculine energy balance out the so much feminine energy.  Ultimately, we have strong emotions from all Water signs, but all in a positive, harmonious energy from the Trine.

There is so much going on, it really depends on how this hits your natal chart.  Overall, I see it as a powerfully charged and positive jumpstart to a new year where many people will be motivated to think forward to what they want to build, as well as bringing in a balanced outlook, which is so needed in our world right now.  A wonderful way to start 2018 while everyone will be thinking about new beginnings anyway.

With this new year we move into a new Universal Year with the Master Number of 11, breaking down to a 2.  This will shift us out of the Individual 1 masculine energy and into a feminine energy of union and bonding, but we can also look for the spiritual energy of the 11.  The Earth has been undergoing a spiritual shift for many years now.  As it continues and we are now in this 11 energy, we should see more awakening this year.  And that brings with it… change!  Change can sometimes be uncomfortable and ugly if we are not ready or willing.  Change can sometimes mean looking at hidden or forgotten things to finally deal with them and sort them out.  This has been happening and it will continue.  This is in part due to Pluto in Capricorn, digging up all things buried and forgotten.  Pluto has been sending out his energy of transformation into the realm of Capricornian structures.  We have had to destroy what does not serve us, including digging up entire foundations, so that we can rebuild starting from scratch what will serve us, and our beautiful Mother Earth.

This is also a Super Moon; which just means it’s within 90% of it’s perigee (the closest part of it’s orbit to us).  So, it just means it looks slightly bigger from our perspective.  I don’t know that a Super Moon will affect you more than a regular New or Full Moon will.  If you have natal planets aspected by the event, you will feel it anyway.  If you don’t have natal planets aspected, you might not notice the event at all.  Here’s a link if you feel like learning a little more about what a Super Moon is.


May we enjoy the big, positive energy while celebrating this New Year.  May we utilize this energy to transform and rebuild a new world; but more importantly a new self.  It all starts from within!

Bliss and Abundance!!!

Hope Grace Roe 🙂


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