Full Moon – August 2014

Full Moon – August 2014

PDT – Los Angeles, CA:  Sunday (Sun day) August 10, 11:09 am

EDT – NYC:  Sunday (Sun day) August 10, 2:09 pm

Sun:  18’02 Leo  /  Moon:  18’02 Aquarius


This month’s Full Moon event will be power-packed.  I see a bit of tension possible, but overall positive outcomes and growth towards maturity and unity.  This will be a longer post than I’d prefer, but I want to address all energies going on for this dynamic weekend.

2 days before the Full Moon:  Friday (Venus day), August 8th at 9:21 am (here in LA)

(event chart, omitting all planets but those mentioned for a simplified, visual understanding)

Mercury conjunct Sun


Mercury will conjunct the Sun just 2 days before, at 16’03 Leo.  This brings in energy for communication or contracts especially having to do with personal strength, personal growth, or pursuit of your dreams and passions.  Now that I live in LA I have met many actors and performers, etc. — so fame certainly comes to mind and is completely appropriate as well.  No matter what your goals, now is a great time to move forward with manifesting them into reality – have meetings, sign contracts, get your voice out there and be heard or seen.

This energy of passion can also include the romantic type.  So if there is someone you’ve had your eye on, make your move.  If you are attached, do something romantic to strengthen those bonds this weekend.

A tight Yod is formed to this conjunction (of Mercury & Sun at 16’03 Leo) with a quincunx from Chiron at 16’44 Pisces & the Moon at 16’29 Capricorn.  A Yod is also known as “The Finger of God” or “The Finger of Destiny”.  This creates strong energy with a bit of tension that points in a certain direction for us to move in our lives.  In this case, we are being directed to create emotional foundations for stability and maturity (Moon in Capricorn, with deep transformation indicated with Moon just coming off a conjunction to Pluto); while engaging in some form of giving back, from understanding and relating to others in an empathic way (Chiron in Pisces).  Expressing knowledge gained (this energy pointing at Mercury & Sun in Leo) through our own experiences in an effort to help, benefit, guide, heal, etc., others in their own journey through life.

Leo energy is often seen as egoic and selfish, and let us take caution that our ego does not get out of control at this time.  However if you have ever known any Leos who revel in their charismatic nature and ability to draw in all kinds of attention, you will also see how much they love shining their Sun energy for other’s benefit and enjoyment.  Leos attract, certainly; but do so in order to give of themselves for the upliftment of all.

We all have different types of social circles and methods to communicate our message; large or small your audience may be, each soul is important and even 1 person benefitting from what you have to give is worth it.  Where Leo stands in your natal chart is the area of your own life where this type of energy is active for you and can help you see where you shine uplifting rays of Sun energy to others.  Leo energy is charismatic and attractive, do share your message as opportunities come to you.


Additional energy comes from a harmonious trine from Uranus at 16’23 Aires & frustrating square from Saturn at 16’56 Scorpio.

Uranus could very well surprise us with inspirational ideas and seeds to plant, great for the pursuit of our projects-of-passion; but could also bring in additional ego with possible aggression (or a sudden snapping at someone if we get emotional, or defensive (same thing)).  Be cautious to keep improvement for self and others in mind, and not allow selfish or stubborn tendencies to overtake you.

Saturn will push us into stability and control over our lives in general and especially anything that might be currently out of control.  This could also make us feel emotionally guarded (Scorpio being a deeply emotional yet highly guarded sign).  We might feel stubborn about our perceived needs and might not want to open up about things that are going on within.  Saturn wants to build safe structures around our basic foundations of life, including: emotions, relationships with others, as well as our finances / resources / assets (these are also important foundations for life, and brought to light thanks to the Scorpio energy).


Getting on to the main event!!

PDT – Los Angeles, CA:  Sunday (Sun day) August 10, 11:09 am

EDT – NYC:  Sunday (Sun day) August 10, 2:09 pm

Sun:  18’02 Leo  /  Moon:  18’02 Aquarius

(other planets added back, for a standard view of the chart)

Full Moon 8-10-14Going into the weekend and approaching the Full Moon we move through all of this energy and take with us those things we are ready to pick up and incorporate into our lives.  Don’t worry, the things we are not ready for… will be waiting for us at a later date.

Surrounding the event a few days before and after we might have ideas, conversations or situations regarding the following:

Self  vs  Other 

Ego  vs  Consciousness

Singular  vs  Unity

Fame / Standing out  vs  Collective / All Blending into One

Ingenuity of heart (jumping without a plan, “winging it”)  vs  Ingenuity of mind (plans of action)

Play  vs  Responsibility


The Sun will already be ruling the day here in LA by the time the Full Moon alignment is exact at 11:09am.  So if you are in the time zone you’ll be bathed in similar energy.  The chart for the Full Moon based here in LA shows the Sun approaching the Mid-Heaven (MC) as the day approaches high-noon.  This puts the Sun in Leo in the 10th house, indicating a power-packed time to pursue fame and reputation and career.

Sun energy will win out this time.  Moon energy will be kept at bay, with opposition from this powerhouse of Sun in Leo in 10th and a Square from Saturn.  Again I caution to pursue in order to give back (Moon is in Aquarius, Cancer at MC & above mentioned Yod).  Sun w/ Mercury will have stronger attractive energy, and with all the right communication necessary to fill your sails and carry you toward your goals.  Saturn holds both of these celestial bodies in place for honorable action and stable grounding.  Pursue your dreams and passions, and shine brightly (Leo) in order to give to others (Aquarius).


For my New Yorkers, the alignment is after noon (beyond the climax of the Sun’s rule over the day-time); so you will feel a softening of this same energy, as it dissipates but is still near and just passed the MC / zenith point.  The energy you will be bathed in will be less fame / reputation oriented and a bit more focused on introspection and how you feel about your life and the course you are taking, being in the 9th house, you will seek higher / deeper understanding about your fame / reputation (Leo energy) instead of engaged in the pursuit of it (as is the energy of the LA chart).

Again for my New Yorkers, Saturn being in the 12th house will cause you to search for this and feel a bit guarded about others seeing it before you are ready to display it and guarded about others controlling it, you may feel strongly that you need to maintain a firm hold on it.  (The “it” being your goals / dreams & how you feel about pursuing them and your place within them and within our world.)  Virgo at MC shows you really want to perfect it first.  Moon bringing in Aquarian energy and in the 3rd house indicates clear and honest communication about things will ease tension and find resolve.  So, make sure you know how you truly feel and what you truly want; try not to get too emotional about it or guarded, because you’ll need to communicate at some point.  Once you’ve gained clarity within find someone you can trust (either emotionally or in a professional / business manner to get things moving) and calmly, clearly express it in order to continue.


Despite some emotional discomfort and very likely… not to subtle nudging from the Universe, the outcomes should be positive.  We will move through this time with ease if we do not fight what comes, but address things with the understanding that we are improving.  Keep in the back of your mind this emotional growth within and knowing we have something to share to help others.


As a last note:  this will be the largest SuperMoon of the year.  This happens when the Moon is closest to the Earth in it’s orbit at the time of a Full Moon, thus we can see it (because we don’t see the Moon at a New Moon time), and it appears larger than other Full Moons because it’s slightly elliptical orbit has brought it slightly closer to us at this time (when you can see as much of the Moon as possible — Full Moon).  Here are a few links that describe well enough how this works, and they have nifty charts and visuals!  Oooo…


What is a supermoon? And when, in 2022?


We in the US will not see it at it’s exact Full Moon alignment because this happens during our day-time.  However, the night before Saturday, August 9th and the night of on Sunday and after Monday, August 11th will still be beautiful to behold!  Go outside and take a gander at the sight!

Bliss and Abundance!!!

Hope Grace Roe 🙂

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