You are what you consume

I always say this. It’s probably my most famous quote.

We’ve probably all heard the phrase, “you are what you eat.” There is truth in this statement. Our bodies renew themselves on a continual basis and it uses as building blocks what we give it in the form of fuel — food and drink.

When we put healthy food in our bodies we have vital nutrients to use when our bodies need to repair and rejuvenate.  Likewise when we put junk food in our bodies we won’t have the nutrients we need to repair and rejuvenate, and our health can decline.

We don’t often recognize that we consume from all of our senses.  You are so much more than just what you eat. You are what you consume on all levels, from all of your senses.  We take in input in many forms. 

The body is made up of what we eat and drink, likewise our mind follows the same principle, thus:  the quality of the input is equal to the quality of the output (or our results in life).  We are the product of what we consume – from all of our senses. 

Our visual sense takes in movies, tv, social media, memes, current events, and our daily lives and interactions with people at work or at a store or where we choose to spend our time like a restaurant or concert, and so much more.  We can take in visual input from nature like a blue sky, birds flying, a squirrel scurrying by, raindrops falling, and a rainbow after the storm has passed by. 

Our auditory sense takes in music (frequency & lyrics), conversations, others’ opinions and judgements about other people or even about us.  We can take in auditory input from nature too like birds chirping, the wind rustling the leaves in trees, or a babbling brook. 

Our olfactory sense (the sense of smell) takes in fresh baked cookies, the natural scent of your lover, or a gross and overpowering perfume or cologne, or the aroma of your favorite flower. 

Our tactile sense (the sense of touch) takes in the softness of a bunny’s fur, the warmth of your favorite blanket, the safety and love we feel from a hug from a loved one, as well as the heat from a stove-top burner and we know not to put our hand on it so we don’t get burned. 

When we allow in things like violence, rudeness or condescension towards others, or even rudeness towards ourselves, or crudeness, shame, guilt, etc., these are the building blocks our mind uses to create our beliefs and our eventual actions.  The beliefs we hold about the world around us, the people in our lives, and even ourselves are all formed, shaped, and maintained by this input. 

Consider these as well: 

The words we speak.

The thoughts we think.

The actions we take.

The people we spend time with.

The conversations we have.

The topics we choose to spend time thinking and speaking about.

The places we spend our time.

The movies we watch.

The music we listen to.

Our leisure activities.

What you do for work and all the input you get there which some of it might be out of your control.

And we can’t forget, of course, the kind of food we eat and things we drink.

And much more….

All of these stimuli are the input that creates who we are.  This creates and maintains our beliefs.  This also effects how we feel, which is the same as saying how we vibrate and the energy we give off (aura).  Your aura can be felt by others, and gives them an idea of who you are, whether they are aware of it or not, or at least the mood you are in, which is something many of us are aware that we can feel.  The Law of Attraction tells us that how we feel is a vibration and the frequency of that vibration is what we attract into our lives.  So everything we do is a part of what creates that feeling and what vibrates everything into our lives.  If we like what we are getting in life, great!  If you don’t like something or even everything, take a look at what you are allowing into your mind, body, and life that could be improved. 

Take a moment to think about all the input you take in throughout your day.  What do you pay more attention to?  Is it visual stimuli or auditory or something else?  What do you think has a longer lasting effect on you?  What input is there that you don’t pay much attention to, and how could it be effecting you in a positive or negative way?  If it’s negative, what can you do about changing it so it’s a more positive input for you?  Of course we cannot always change the world around us, but of the things we can do, are you?

May we ever be aware of what we are consuming and remember that it all makes us who we are.  You are what you consume!

Bliss and Abundance!!!

Hope Grace Roe 🙂

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