Fate vs Free-Will


Someone recently asked this question and it inspired me to write this.  Her question was, “Do you believe that when the moment you are born, everything that you do in your life has been written, basically mapped out?”

First off, that’s a difficult question and I do not believe there is a simple yes/no answer to it.  The age-old question:  “Is life fated, or do we actually have free-will — just like we are told in the Law of Attraction that we can create our experiences?”  I hear this a lot, and it’s one of those big life questions that is discussed and debated often, at least amongst my circle of acquaintances.

When I was younger and religious and had a Christian understanding of the world and life, I was taught that it was a mix of both.  I was taught that god did have a plan for our lives, but that we had free-will and could choose not to follow his plan, but then we would have to deal with the consequences that came from that choice.  As I have studied other philosophies of the world, I have found many different answers to this question.  Now my opinion is based on my understanding and experience of my personal background and deep insights into what life is all about, as well as my knowledge and experience as an Astrologer.

Let’s get back to my friend’s question.  Just as an FYI, the moment you are born is taken at your first breath; the head is supposed to come out first, but sometimes legs or an arm will come out first.  But the natal chart is supposed to be timed at the first breath (take note parents-to-be).  This is a snapshot in time of what energies were there at the moment you were born.  This gives you an imprint of that energy for your life.  That sounds like fate doesn’t it!?  But as an Astrologer I see it as energy that is available for you to use, but it’s still up to you how you use it.

The idea of “fate” vs “free will” can be a very tricky thing to define.  In astrology we look at the energy that is readily available to someone, but it can be used differently from person to person, even twins.  We can see tendencies for personality and characteristics, there will always be some positive (gifts to share with others) and negative (things to learn).  We can also see if there is a karmic influence (8th house, Saturn, etc.) which could look like fate, but it’s still up to the person what to do in a situation (free-will).  We can see if someone is fighting against something (square or opposition) or if the energy that’s there seems to flow effortlessly (trine) to the point that the person doesn’t even notice it.  I’ve seen too many charts and especially concerning relationships that look like something would be fated, but the outcome is not what you’d expect.  It’s just energy and if you are aware of it you can use this window of opportunity while the energy is ripe, but you can choose not to and let the moment pass.

Numerology also shows us what energy we came into this life with and it shows us what energy patterns we flow through during our life.  Vedic astrology does this as well.  Since I use Western astrology with clients, I prefer to use Numerology as well as Palmistry to see patterns and how someone is actually using their energy in the real world.

We have opportunities throughout our life to make atonement with someone from our current past, or even a past life, or to learn a lesson and incorporate it into our character, and sometimes it feels like we are pushed to do so, this can feel like fate.  There are also experiences that seem to “just happen” without trying and this can also feel like fate.  I see life as mix of all.  We have things we need to learn; and we can willingly move forward and allow these to flow through us, or we can fight against it but it will still be there at some later date (or lifetime).

Life is about growing and improving, and then giving back where we can.  There are things for us to do, and if we have put it off for too long (even past lifetimes) there will be a point at which the Universe says, “it is now time to learn this lesson”, and there will be other times when you just don’t feel ready to take something on, and it will be delayed.

So it’s not that everything we do in life is already written.  But there will be opportunities to work with others, as well as learn important lessons in order for our Soul to grow.  As we work through the natural energy in our natal stars, we have opportunities to see both the positive and negative way.  As we grow and improve we will be able to choose the more positive way to go through life, actually knowing the difference because we have experience with both.  So, things can seem “written” (fated) if we just go through life and let it all happen without working or caring.  But if we do pay attention and care and do the work (free-will, law of attraction), we can transcend the need for karma (fate).

May we all pay attention to our natural tendencies (fate) and choose (free-will) to grow and improve.  And please, let’s make our world a better place to live in!

Bliss and Abundance!!!

Hope Grace Roe  🙂



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