Being a Trailblazer.

Some inspired thoughts that came the other day about being a Trailblazer. It can be a hard road sometimes. You’re not alone. Keep at it. Keep educating your people. Your vision is valuable!


It’s hard to be a trailblazer. You have to have a solid vision. Solid sense of self esteem. A solid and clear path.
And excellent skills at problem solving and adjusting when things don’t work out.

Risk-taking is part of the job too. So this is likely a natural attribute but you must master it before your work is fully realized.

You take a step out into the unknown. No one has been there before and no one can advise you. In fact many will laugh at you. Tell you you’re crazy and you can’t do it or that it’s not even possible. Loved ones, family, spouse, friends will be among those numbers. It can be heartbreaking who doesn’t believe in you or support you. You know it’s right and you walk that path anyway. All alone.

You shine the light along the way for other brave souls to follow. Over time (only because you’ve shown the way) the path seems obvious. You’ve created something that did not exist before. And you’ve helped others journey the same path.

Being a trailblazer requires that you spend a lot of time on the education of others, helping them understand something completely new.
At the beginning it can feel like constant repetition of the same thing to the same people, as well as over and over again to newcomers.
It can feel exhausting. But it’s a necessary part of the process. It’s your duty in this role. You are showing the way and creating understanding for others.

Trailblazer: It’s the kind of leadership that’s on another level.

It can be a lonely path. But that’s why the solid sense of self and vision are requisite!

Think about literally clearing a new trail in the woods or jungle. You’re finding the right footing and clearing away the brush. Many will never understand your work or your journey. Therefore, you might also never get the recognition you know you deserve. At least to the extent you know you’ve put into it. That’s also where maturity comes into play. You must understand others can’t see from your vantage point. And needing their accolades must be removed from your desires.

It’s nice to receive. Do appreciate it when it comes! Because those who do recognize you and your effort comes as a gift. But it’s not why you do any of it.

Being a leader at this level can be what is called “a thankless job”. The true appreciation might come after you’ve gone and it’s only as more follow your path can they come to more fully understand the totality of your work and then truly appreciate it and you. But you may never hear these praises.
And while knowing this you move forward anyway. Because you truly don’t need others’ validation for your work.

Some may call you names. You may receive ostracization as you begin your work, since others can’t see what you are building as it exists so far only within your heart. They react this way because they don’t understand your courage and vision and no need for any accolades. When the reality is those seeking only praise and recognition do so seeking to feed their own insecurities. It’s all just part of the censure you know you can leave alone as you proceed with your mission.

And yet when the time is ripe you transcend all of the pain of it… in the midst of it.

Being a trailblazer is not for the faint of heart. It’s a very hard road to travel. Yet some of us are born to do so. If that’s you know you’re not alone in your struggles. We too have received and feel the same misunderstandings and pain. But if that’s you then you also already know you don’t need me saying so. Because you are already aware of your purpose and path. But it is nice to hear anyway!

May you be blessed in your work and eased in your struggle, it’s so immense. And so is the personal growth required also immense!

And we thank you for blazing the trail for others and making it visible and easier to follow.
I understand you, for I am one of you. Bless you!

Bliss and abundance to you in your journey!

Hope Grace Roe 🙂

#trailblazer #leader #leadership #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship

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