
Astrologer. Oracle. Guide.

An early Crystal Child, here to guide the generational Crystal Children.  From Texas 1980, and reborn in Harlem, NYC 2008.

In late September 2008, my consciousness awakened; I can only attribute it to being 100% raw/vegan for about a month (which I began pretty much overnight, and it was not a conscious effort at all, it just… happened, and I allowed it). This cleansed my physical vehicle, meanwhile I was cleansing my outer environment, all which allowed the divine energy of the Creator (which is always there for all of us) to come in and be recognized in a much clearer way. During the ensuing 10-11 months each chakra opened and activated in ascending and supportive order. With my consciousness awakened and my body less dense and vibrating at a higher frequency, I began seeing things that were there but I were veiled from my understanding before. I also began getting downloads, or I “just knew things”. It changed my whole life. I felt reborn!

Since then my entire life has changed and I have been transformed. I value where I have been and what I have learned from the past as I look back to glean growth, and I look forward to where I have yet to go. I’ve been given a new name and as I embody this new me, it allows me to connect to Spirit without any ego in the way.

During times of struggle I have done much soul-searching and I have gained many insights about life through my experiences, as well as direct answers & information from what I can only call The Universe/Source/God (as spiritual downloads. I had many days that I will filled with so much spiritual light and understanding that I felt like I’d lived a thousand lifetimes in just 1 day. My gift to you is sharing what I’ve learned about spiritual evolution, physical life (as in dwelling within a physical body) and how to make sense of difficult situations that we experience that force us to search for meaning — otherwise it’d be too much to handle and we’d just lose it big time. So, there’s got to be purpose, growth, and meaning in the experience somewhere!

As my new life has continued I was led to Astrology in 2010, and many other “occult”, spiritual, subtle energy topics since then. Most of my perspectives and understandings come from an astrological framework. I have found that I have a unique understanding of the astrological energies and it is part of my life’s purpose to share this with others. I am a Pisces. In Human Design my Sun is in 22.4, making me a 4/6 with Right Angle Cross of Rulership 1, and I strive to lead with the natural Grace that is characteristic of gate 22. I am a Generator with Emotional authority, and I have a totally open G Center, which allows Spirit to flow through me and I become an Oracle when the question is asked.

My chief aim is to aid in the enlightenment and empowerment of all, and to ease emotional suffering through conscious understanding.  My constant goal is to make everything better because I had an interaction there.  I want to leave it better than I found it.

You can also find me on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hope-Grace-Roes-Blog/486154871469583?pnref=story

And YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpVDthxLPQB_Fmf6-tw-brQ/

Bliss and Abundance to all!!!
Hope Grace Roe 🙂

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